Tuesday 20 June 2017

Pledge for Pubs!

So we’ve had a flash election and the Conservatives are literally hanging on the edge of their seats to stay in power. Just before we voted; thousands of CAMRA members across the country wrote to their MP asking them to make pledges for pubs; which involved representing the interests of pub-goers; supporting action to make pubs thrive; and help to promote Britain’s breweries. A total of 773 candidates took the pledge; and of these 130 people were elected! Unfortunately, none of these MPs reside in the Worcestershire area so we have a real fight on our hands to protect our pubs over the next few years.  

CAMRA’s next step is to call for a further reduction in business rates for pubs, and to extend this to £5,000 a year per pub. The campaign is also calling a freeze in beer duty during the next parliament and is keeping Britain’s beer and pub sector at the front of people’s minds when facing Brexit negotiations.

CAMRA’s National Chairman Colin Valentine says: ‘Pubs are a force for good in local communities. They provide employment and support the economy and the local community while raising funds for local charities. As publicans are forced to put up prices; it is the consumer who finds it increasingly difficult to support them which ultimately puts the pub out of business. With1 in 5 MPs promising to back the pub trade, we hope those elected will come together to become a powerful voice for pub-goers’. 

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