Wednesday 7 June 2017

The Colonial Bar

A local landlord who gets some strange ideas into his head has decided to take on a pub closer to the town centre. For some reason, he’s decided to rename it the Colonial Bar. Fair enough; that’s up to him. The pub has always been in the centre of the Midlands and has never associated itself with any type of exploratory or naval history; and he would be better off keeping that kind of theme in his current pub as it’s closer to the canal. But how he has associated luxury dining with colonial times is beyond me. You want pilgrims in hats and captains of the British Empire looking for a table to lay out their maps. These people look like they’re getting ready for dinner for an evening cruise or are on their way to a jazz club. The artwork actually fits the new premises as you can picture the stained-glass windows in the pub. The name however, does not. 

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