Saturday 28 January 2017

What's Inside?

What’s inside the cave over there?
Could it be a big brown bear?
Its tall red walls can easily hide
A giant on the other side.
From here it looks quite dark.
Perhaps it’s the home of a bat named Mark?
Or maybe it’s where the monsters live.
Do they exist? I’m not going to fib.
Up above, the birds do watch
But they stay upon their notch
In fear of the dark inside
And the growling that comes from the wide
Entrance of the cave,
Wondering who will be brave
Enough to venture in
And discover the mystery within?
The grass around is perfect for
A game of golf or a walking tour.
And the bushes resting upon its cliff
Contains lots of pollen that makes you want to sniff.
Many people do pass by
But they don’t go in and I don’t know why
So grab a torch and let’s go see

What’s inside the cave in front of me.

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