Saturday 7 January 2017

Biggles Ventures out of Bradford

‘Lovely day for a spin, old chap.’
‘Is it really? It’s rather cloudy and wet out. Won’t be able to see a darn thing.’
‘Ah, but it’ll be lovely and quiet. It’s the perfect opportunity to test our air stunts.’
Biggles leapt into the cockpit, fastened up his fleece-lined leather jacket, and tied on his scarf before putting on his leather gloves. He popped the key into the ignition. ‘Spin when ready.’
Jeeves struggled to make it in front of the plane in the gale wind. ‘Are you really sure about this sir?’
‘Come on now lad, let’s get this old bird up there.’
Jeeves pulled the cord to turn the propeller. ‘Fire it up’.
Biggles turned the key and the engine spluttered into life. ‘Chocs away’.
Jeeves kicked away the wooden props away from the landing gear and the plane began inching forward.
‘Jump in old boy, this bird sure is keen to fly today.’
And Jeeves sprang in just in time; as he jumped onto the wing a second gust of wind forced the aircraft forwards with a jerk, and he fell headfirst into the passenger seat.

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