Sunday 29 January 2017

Timothy Taylor Landlord at the Eagle, Redditch

The Eagle is a traditional local drinking hole. It’s a pub that has never had anything special going on for it other than looking after its locals. It has a horseshoe bar which stretches across two rooms; one with a dartboard and a lounge with a fireplace. At the rear, it has a large beer garden with a fantastic view over the ridge of the town below. It’s never been famously known for its real ales, but lately it has four on under its new tenants. It also has a cider on, but it predominantly caters for its lager dwellers. It’s very big on sports and a large TV dominates the corner of the boar, while a corridor interlinking the two rooms has a karaoke machine. I once remember waiting ten minutes to get served while the barmaid stood in the wash room texting. It’s never been known for its service; it’s more known as a place for people to go and have a local conversation.

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