Saturday 21 January 2017

The McDonalds Reunion #mcdonaldsmutterings3

I was sitting in McDonalds eating breakfast. It was fairly early on a Saturday and the shoppers had just started to come in. This included the chavs. A fat family came in and the mother went to order while the son and father went to get seats. And then the daughter came in. What a beautiful reunion. There were hugs all around asking how was she and where her girls were and what was she up to? Apparently she was on her way up to Birmingham and the girls were in another shop. The mother clearly thought this was an act of class. Then the food arrived and the father who hadn’t said a word announced that his third McMuffin was missing but told the mother not to worry. Is it that bad that family reunions now take place in a town centre McDonalds with a distance of only three miles apart? Only in Redditch.

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