Tuesday 17 January 2017

Scary Lift #dreamdiary20

I’m in a lift. It’s a large metal lift and it’s quite big and I’m one of the first people to enter so I head to the corner at the back. Everyone else piles in and the door closes. There’s a man next to me wearing jeans and a baseball cap. Suddenly, he starts kicking me in the corner. He’s laughing and his friend starts laughing while everyone else starts backing away from us. He does this twice and it’s very annoying so I punch him in the face and he falls flat on the floor in the back of the lift. Everyone exits in a panic then stands around the lift watching me inside. I just casually walk out and stroll down the corridor. Then his friend walks behind me and grips my shoulder and says ‘Hey, you!’ I floor him too and carry on walking down the corridor towards the shopping centre.

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