Monday 23 January 2017

Three Shires Hafren at the White Hart, Redditch

The White Hart has had a strange tradition for real ale. In the past, it’s served one beer which was London Pride, or Sarason’s Vinegar as the White Hart Morris Men used to call it. It’s also had a reputation as a gay pub. It has always hosted a bowls club; though I’ve never quite worked out where the green is. There’s also been an attempt to host a private club; though the membership price was a little extensive. After that there were rumours of using the back room as a steak restaurant. Nowadays, it serves as a hotel with five rooms and live music at weekends. There’s usually one generic real ale, but it seems to be kept well. Occasionally, it’s surprised us with the offering of a local guest; though it always falls back onto a national brand later. There’s also been occasions when music takes priority and we’re not allowed entry; as well as occasions when there’s no beer at all. We used to pop in during the week but it was so dead that we  felt sorry that they were open.

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