Friday 13 January 2017

Horny Fairy #dreamdiary19

I'm staying with some university friends at a hotel. We've hired a large communal attic room, and there are many armless sofas pushed together with bedsheets which surround a large television. We've decided to watch X-men 3 as our retiring movie, and it's also time for us to make ourselves comfortable for the evening. We each grab a number of pillows and blankets to mark our territory. My friend's in a corner and I'm right in front of him. All of a sudden, a blonde fairy climbs in besides me and wants to snuggle up next to me. Then she changes her mind and wants to snuggle up to my friend. Then she wants to snuggle up to both of us. I'm obviously disappointed but there's no way that I'm getting involved in a thrteesome with another guy. The others are naturally disturbed by this and the film gets paused and the lights go on while many people want to change their position away from the love nest, and the fairy has to decide once and for all where she wants to sleep. 

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