Sunday 8 January 2017

Acorn Hoptathlon at the Rising Sun, Redditch

I’ve always wanted to run a marathon. The trouble is that I’ve no experience in running long distances competitively. How well will I do in comparison to my fellow competitors? A small local event would be ideal, but I may need to train for that. I’ve done small runs on the machines at the gym, and I did try for a long-distance cross-country run last year; but gave up after mile two after I developed blisters. And that’s because I was wearing the wrong kind of socks over a brand new pair of gym shoes. This is one thing that I’d like to try just as soon as I get my gym workouts up to date. I just need a boost to keep clearing the backlog. I seem to throw a lot of opportunities away and just freeze up. If I can squeeze one extra workout a week in, then eventually I’ll catch up. But I’m currently a month behind.

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