Thursday 5 January 2017

The Juicy Pear #dreamdiary17

The Juicy Pear is a pub in Bristol opposite a large canal junction. It's actually a hotel with a terraced bar at the top and many rooms containing smaller bars. The entrance has a circular lobby with a reception desk and double doors leading off to the rooms upstairs. Alongside the stairs to the first floor is a large open-plan dining room with tables on different levels to accommodate the stairs. I can't get to the first floor as it's a breakfast room and there's a table and stool blocking the way while they clear away the morning meals. There's a table with a small plate of baked beans on it. I return to the lobby and take another staircase which is much more closed but is wide enough to let two people travel up and down at the same time. At the top is a small windowed bar in a corridor which is absolutely packed. I eventually get served and opt for a bottled beer which I take through an outside balcony covered with red and white stripped canopies, and find my friends on a corner table with a fantastic view of the canal.

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