Sunday 1 January 2017

Spy Games

‘So there’s an opportunity for infiltration?’
‘Yes, but only for a cleaner. It’s going to be difficult.’
‘Well, the special relationship is only for the British and the Americans. The person who usually undertakes these jobs is an international so that the language barrier reduces their chance of interpreting anything important. And they’re only allowed access to certain areas at certain times. Our only hope is that someone slips up and leaves something important lying around.’
‘So we need an agent who can blend in with an ear on the ground.’
‘That’s right. They used to issue their maintenance personnel with headphones playing set tracks so that they couldn’t hear any conversations.’
‘Perhaps we could hack these headphones and use them as a transmitter?’
‘No, they’re issued before they’re allowed into the main station. If someone needs a job doing, they have to call the control desk to tell the maintenance worker what to do.’
‘But they are inside the dome?’
‘Without question.’

‘Then we’ll have to design something that can slip through their search protocols.’

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