Tuesday 24 January 2017


As we watch from a distance, we see the adult male stretch outside to greet the typical morning sun. As the sun rises, he gives a traditional ‘ugh’ before beckoning his family out to join him. The ‘ugh’ is for him only and is the one ounce of freed om that he is allowed outside of his family tribe. As the family gathers, Mrs. Caveman prepares to boil water in a small bronzed pot over a fire. The son who is slightly smaller than the female, strikes up sticks in an attempt to create fire. After several failures, the father takes the sticks off him and throws them away. He then points in the direction of the wood that we are hiding, indicating that he should gather more wood. As he approaches our hideaway, he stops and smells the air. After glancing around, he smells again. Suddenly, he chants and waves to his father. I believe that we have been discovered. 

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