Monday 2 January 2017

Harviestoun Summer Legend at the Weighbridge, Alvechurch

Here, they come, those summer legends. Their work is done; they have served good ale to the people of Worcestershire. In they come in dips and drabs to collect their reward; their first lunchtime pint of the weekend. Many admire them as they approach the bar to collect their golden nectar; some even rise to shake their hand in appreciation of their hard work and reminisce their favourite beers and moments. Questions are asked about the remaining beers; how many beers were poured away; and how tired the legends are feeling. Once their pint is poured, the legends are allowed to slowly withdraw to the outside room where they gather with the elite to await their afternoon feast. For after this is completed there remains just one more task; just one more; to unload the car and pack away its contents. Once this achieved, bliss is surely claimed as their reward for their hard graft of the previous week.

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