Wednesday 4 January 2017

Animal Sloth at the Rocklands Social Club, Redditch

Behold the ale drinker. They are a strange breed that are usually seen in early afternoons; and gather more prominently at the weekends. Most of them are quite old in nature and will happily stand in your way at the bar just as you are attempting to get served. Some may peer around the room nervously at the décor; these are more likely to be newcomers to the room. These people are especially distinguished by their round bellies and will scorn anyone drinking fizzy material and may even go so far as to avoid them. If they address you, they believe themselves to be representatives of the empire and expected to be treated as such for their presence. They tend to impart knowledge rather than collect it; and discuss some of the most boring topics imaginable with stereotypical opinions; often without any research in the matter. However, they are extremely good fun to mock.

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