Friday 27 January 2017

Purity Mad Goose at the Gate Hangs Well, Redditch

The Gate Hangs Well is known as an old man’s pub. It’s a traditional drinking boozer which has always had the reputation of a pub for conversation. It’s been the meeting point for many a night out. Its traditional beams have been present ever since the pub was used as a turnpike for the roads in olden times. And today the pub is little different. It has a great reputation for keeping its ales in great condition; but its tie to the pubcos does not do it any favours. High end prices and a restriction on its guest beers has put many people off in the past. It has occasionally tried to create a loyalty following with collector’s cards and a loyalty raffle; but these attempts have been abandoned in recent years. It does have a loyal quiz following with excellent prizes if you can beat the odds. And the food menu is quite novel when it is available. But the licensee will only open when he expects to be busy; he likes to keep his overheads low and only opens during peak times.

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