Monday 9 January 2017

Apocalypse #dreamdiary18

Apocalypse has just hit town. There's screaming and panicking as people flee from his wrath. He's just flattened a large square and has stopped a large crowd of people. They literally collapse to the floor; never to move again. We retire to a hotel where I discover that there's one real ale hiding on the corner of the bar, but I only notice this after I've ordered a bottled beer. I retire to a terraced balcony with red and white stripped canopies. A newspaperman is selling the evening papers. The headline is Apocalypse's entrance into town. Then the X-men arrive to fight Apocalypse. We decide to follow them to watch the fight. The army has also been called in to shoot all mutants. Panic sets up again and people start to flee. We head down the hill towards the army but they open fire over us, to we taker shelter on a balcony. We turn around to see the army machine-gun Cyclops and Storm in thr chest.

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