Wednesday 11 January 2017

Sharp's Doom Bar at the Royal Oak, Studley

The Royal Oak in Studley has passed through many licensees. It’s one of those pubs that try to offer everything and hasn’t made up its mind as to what it wants to do. Its main asset is a large room at the ream with a stage for bands to perform; though they’ve never had any major acts. During the week, they use the space well to host a pool table. There’s also a large comfy lounge in the corner as well as a side room for people to sit and chat. The ale isn’t the best in choice but there’s always something on and it’s usually of good quality. But what they don’t make use of any more is the front room. It’s previously been used as a restaurant and quiet room, but in later years the menu has been cut back to tapas and I’m not sure if the newest owners are even serving food. It’s a pub to watch.

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