Thursday 19 January 2017

Hobsons Twisted Spire at the Holly Bush Inn, Belbroughton

This small pub has stood the test of time, and has fought off a range of cellar floods to become one of the oldest and best pubs in Worcestershire. Its beer quality is excellent; and now that the range is exclusive to Hobsons, it’s one of the better places to seek out their beers. The pub is built up from a set of terraced cottages which were used to house local farm workers; and the three distinct rooms each represent a section of each house. Food is served and if you like your wooden timber pubs and fireplaces in the corner then it’s a must visit. It’s also a bugger to get to, since there’s a huge duel carriageway alongside it; and you either have to drive all the way down to the roundabout to turn around and hope that you don’t miss the exit on the way back; or drive through narrow country lanes in the hope that people who haven’t got a clue about how to drive on country lines aren’t going to come towards you.

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