Wednesday 18 January 2017

Victorian Kitchen

I’ve just put the loaf in the oven. The sun is shining outside but it’s still winter. The kids are outside raiding the local allotments and collecting firewood to keep the stove burning for tonight. I’ve been up all morning sweeping the dust out of the kitchen, and I’ve also answered a few letters. But right now, it’s quiet and peaceful. I’ve got my favourite chair right in front of the fire to keep myself cosy. The window’s open a crack to get rid of that damp smell, and so that I can hear the children in case someone upsets them. I suppose I should clear the table ready for supper. But it’s so warm in here that I’m ready to drift off. The kids aren’t allowed back in unless rain stops play or the church bells starts to ring for evening mass. I do hope it doesn’t rain today.  

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