It’s late at night and I’m on my
way home from the pub. I’ve got a great kebab and I decide to eat it in the
market rather than wait until I get home. I sit on the steps leading up to the
shopping centre and tuck into chicken and chilli. It’s gorgeous and all eyes
are on the delicious grilled food to create as little mess as possible. When I finally
look up, there’s a huge horde of zombies crawling towards me. In a panic, I run
up the steps and try the doors to the shopping centre. Amazingly, they’re
unlocked, so I push open the doors and turn around. Unfortunately, there’s nothing
to barricade the doors with, so the only choice is to head further inside. In a
corner by the entrance to a supermarket, two zombified security guards are
consuming the flesh of a shelf-stacker. I tiptoe past and head inside the
store. If I can reach the deli counter, I might be able to find a butcher’s
knife big enough to defend myself with…
Tuesday, 31 January 2017
Monday, 30 January 2017
The Ill Prepared Scout
I had a friend who had a mission
to get to Kinver Scout camp for some survival training. Being a Yorkshireman he
didn’t know the area that well and hadn’t done his homework. He’d managed to
find a rail connection to Kidderminster, but the last bus had left and there
were no taxis to be found. Instead of visiting a local pub to get the number of
a local taxi firm, he decided to roam Kidderminster in the hope of finding one.
By the time he’d found someone to take him to Kidderminster, the office had
closed, and there was no-one to check him in other than knocking for help on
the door of some female teenagers; of which he was a bit embarrassed to do for
fear of being called a pervert. Instead, he decided to take shelter in a
telephone box and set out for help the following morning. After his first tiring day of training he took
an early afternoon nap then after waking up he found that everyone else had
headed to the village to get food. He decided to freshen up then use his charm
to blag some free food, but unfortunately the shower was in a different complex
which meant that he’s locked himself out in the rain again. It’s not nice when
you can’t find any friends to help you.
Sunday, 29 January 2017
Timothy Taylor Landlord at the Eagle, Redditch
The Eagle is a traditional local
drinking hole. It’s a pub that has never had anything special going on for it
other than looking after its locals. It has a horseshoe bar which stretches
across two rooms; one with a dartboard and a lounge with a fireplace. At the rear,
it has a large beer garden with a fantastic view over the ridge of the town below.
It’s never been famously known for its real ales, but lately it has four on
under its new tenants. It also has a cider on, but it predominantly caters for
its lager dwellers. It’s very big on sports and a large TV dominates the corner
of the boar, while a corridor interlinking the two rooms has a karaoke machine.
I once remember waiting ten minutes to get served while the barmaid stood in
the wash room texting. It’s never been known for its service; it’s more known
as a place for people to go and have a local conversation.
Saturday, 28 January 2017
What's Inside?
What’s inside the cave over
Could it be a big brown bear?
Its tall red walls can easily
A giant on the other side.
From here it looks quite dark.
Perhaps it’s the home of a bat
named Mark?
Or maybe it’s where the monsters
Do they exist? I’m not going to fib.
Up above, the birds do watch
But they stay upon their notch
In fear of the dark inside
And the growling that comes from
the wide
Entrance of the cave,
Wondering who will be brave
Enough to venture in
And discover the mystery within?
The grass around is perfect for
A game of golf or a walking tour.
And the bushes resting upon its
Contains lots of pollen that
makes you want to sniff.
Many people do pass by
But they don’t go in and I don’t know
So grab a torch and let’s go see
What’s inside the cave in front
of me.
Friday, 27 January 2017
Purity Mad Goose at the Gate Hangs Well, Redditch
The Gate Hangs Well is known as
an old man’s pub. It’s a traditional drinking boozer which has always had the
reputation of a pub for conversation. It’s been the meeting point for many a
night out. Its traditional beams have been present ever since the pub was used
as a turnpike for the roads in olden times. And today the pub is little
different. It has a great reputation for keeping its ales in great condition;
but its tie to the pubcos does not do it any favours. High end prices and a
restriction on its guest beers has put many people off in the past. It has occasionally
tried to create a loyalty following with collector’s cards and a loyalty
raffle; but these attempts have been abandoned in recent years. It does have a
loyal quiz following with excellent prizes if you can beat the odds. And the
food menu is quite novel when it is available. But the licensee will only open
when he expects to be busy; he likes to keep his overheads low and only opens
during peak times.
Thursday, 26 January 2017
Permitted Development Rights
UK is losing 21 pubs every week. This figure has declined in recent years (in
2015 it was 27 pubs a week) but it’s still an ongoing concern for many
communities. Across the country, many people have come together to form action
groups and have listed over 2,000 pubs as Assets of Community Value. But these
volunteers have highlighted frustrations in these applications which goes
through a lengthy bureaucratic process and still leaves many loopholes which
allows the pub to be demolished.
is now looking to bring about legislation which would cause a halt to permitted
development rights to pubs; a practice that currently allows pubs to be
converted or demolished without going through a full and transparent planning
process. When planning permission is not required, there is no opportunity for
local people to have a say on changes connected with the property.
Pint Taken went to press, the House of Lords were debating the Neighbourhood
Planning Bill which called for the removal of permitted development rights from
pubs. CAMRA members across the country wrote to Terence Higgins (KBE DL) to
persuade him to support the campaign.
Wednesday, 25 January 2017
Parks and Recreation
This comedy is pure genius. At
first it starts out as a mockumentary, and the style takes a little getting
used to. It’s about a dysfunctional municipal government department in a
fictional town of America. We start with the tale of a young government
employee who is enthusiastic enough to battle it out with your worn-out typical
bureaucrats. Along the way, she looks after her team who; after dealing with each
of their individual battles; become loyal enough to support her when she
decides to run for office. Her political dreams take a downturn in later
episodes, but her recovery plan is ingenious and creates a very creative exit
for the programme. And the sets are ingenious; they evolve from just an office
and a park to full-on location visits featuring a number of cameo celebrity
appearences. The comedy is very deadpan and typically follows the pattern of The Office, but its execution is perfect
and will make you want to follow the characters again and again.
Tuesday, 24 January 2017
As we watch from a distance, we
see the adult male stretch outside to greet the typical morning sun. As the sun
rises, he gives a traditional ‘ugh’ before beckoning his family out to join
him. The ‘ugh’ is for him only and is the one ounce of freed om that he is
allowed outside of his family tribe. As the family gathers, Mrs. Caveman
prepares to boil water in a small bronzed pot over a fire. The son who is
slightly smaller than the female, strikes up sticks in an attempt to create
fire. After several failures, the father takes the sticks off him and throws
them away. He then points in the direction of the wood that we are hiding,
indicating that he should gather more wood. As he approaches our hideaway, he
stops and smells the air. After glancing around, he smells again. Suddenly, he
chants and waves to his father. I believe that we have been discovered.
Monday, 23 January 2017
Three Shires Hafren at the White Hart, Redditch
The White Hart has had a strange
tradition for real ale. In the past, it’s served one beer which was London
Pride, or Sarason’s Vinegar as the White Hart Morris Men used to call it. It’s
also had a reputation as a gay pub. It has always hosted a bowls club; though I’ve
never quite worked out where the green is. There’s also been an attempt to host
a private club; though the membership price was a little extensive. After that
there were rumours of using the back room as a steak restaurant. Nowadays, it
serves as a hotel with five rooms and live music at weekends. There’s usually
one generic real ale, but it seems to be kept well. Occasionally, it’s surprised
us with the offering of a local guest; though it always falls back onto a
national brand later. There’s also been occasions when music takes priority and
we’re not allowed entry; as well as occasions when there’s no beer at all. We
used to pop in during the week but it was so dead that we felt sorry that they were open.
Sunday, 22 January 2017
Hobbit Hole
At first glance, you think you’re
looking at a set from the Lord of the Rings. It’s certainly not something that
you’d expect to find on a cliff in Staffordshire, and we didn’t see any signs
of the little people. They probably heard us and ran away into the woods. But
what could this be used for? Is it an actual entrance? Or is it an air raid
shelter camouflaged from above hence the green door? There’s certainly enough foliage
around. Or is it merely the coal scullery for those cold winter nights? It’s
odd that there’s some sort of crazy paving pathway leading up to its door; yet
it’s not quite wide enough for a path. Maybe it was designed for a wheelbarrow.
Or perhaps the hobbits themselves actually dwelled here, and some of them felt
posh. Maybe it’s the hobbit equivalent of having a red carpet outside your
castle. Just don’t set foot off the grass; for there be dragons.
Saturday, 21 January 2017
The McDonalds Reunion #mcdonaldsmutterings3
I was sitting in McDonalds eating
breakfast. It was fairly early on a Saturday and the shoppers had just started
to come in. This included the chavs. A fat family came in and the mother went
to order while the son and father went to get seats. And then the daughter came
in. What a beautiful reunion. There were hugs all around asking how was she and
where her girls were and what was she up to? Apparently she was on her way up
to Birmingham and the girls were in another shop. The mother clearly thought
this was an act of class. Then the food arrived and the father who hadn’t said
a word announced that his third McMuffin was missing but told the mother not to
worry. Is it that bad that family reunions now take place in a town centre
McDonalds with a distance of only three miles apart? Only in Redditch.
Friday, 20 January 2017
This chimney clearly shows that no
job is too small to get the task done. It may look ugly, but it certainly does
the job. It’s practical but it’s shabby. It’s a small price to pay so that you
can have elegance inside while still having access to modern amenities. The
brickwork above the house has been placed to prevent draughts taking place
inside (of which you can barely notice), but outside it stands out like a sore
thumb and it really ruins the character of the building. The corner joint may
have been created because the stone was too hard to knock through, unless they
wanted to preserve a feature on top of the cliffs. There’s no point in having a
sunroof if you’re going to be blasted by smoke. Or if you’re too busy enjoying
the comfort inside; you won’t care which way the winds blows outside anyway.
Thursday, 19 January 2017
Hobsons Twisted Spire at the Holly Bush Inn, Belbroughton
This small pub has stood the test
of time, and has fought off a range of cellar floods to become one of the
oldest and best pubs in Worcestershire. Its beer quality is excellent; and now
that the range is exclusive to Hobsons, it’s one of the better places to seek
out their beers. The pub is built up from a set of terraced cottages which were
used to house local farm workers; and the three distinct rooms each represent a
section of each house. Food is served and if you like your wooden timber pubs
and fireplaces in the corner then it’s a must visit. It’s also a bugger to get
to, since there’s a huge duel carriageway alongside it; and you either have to
drive all the way down to the roundabout to turn around and hope that you don’t
miss the exit on the way back; or drive through narrow country lanes in the
hope that people who haven’t got a clue about how to drive on country lines aren’t
going to come towards you.
Wednesday, 18 January 2017
Victorian Kitchen
I’ve just put the loaf in the
oven. The sun is shining outside but it’s still winter. The kids are outside
raiding the local allotments and collecting firewood to keep the stove burning
for tonight. I’ve been up all morning sweeping the dust out of the kitchen, and
I’ve also answered a few letters. But right now, it’s quiet and peaceful. I’ve
got my favourite chair right in front of the fire to keep myself cosy. The
window’s open a crack to get rid of that damp smell, and so that I can hear the
children in case someone upsets them. I suppose I should clear the table ready
for supper. But it’s so warm in here that I’m ready to drift off. The kids aren’t
allowed back in unless rain stops play or the church bells starts to ring for
evening mass. I do hope it doesn’t rain today.
Tuesday, 17 January 2017
Scary Lift #dreamdiary20
I’m in a lift. It’s a large metal
lift and it’s quite big and I’m one of the first people to enter so I head to
the corner at the back. Everyone else piles in and the door closes. There’s a
man next to me wearing jeans and a baseball cap. Suddenly, he starts kicking me
in the corner. He’s laughing and his friend starts laughing while everyone else
starts backing away from us. He does this twice and it’s very annoying so I punch
him in the face and he falls flat on the floor in the back of the lift.
Everyone exits in a panic then stands around the lift watching me inside. I just
casually walk out and stroll down the corridor. Then his friend walks behind me
and grips my shoulder and says ‘Hey, you!’ I floor him too and carry on walking
down the corridor towards the shopping centre.
Monday, 16 January 2017
Kinver Caves
Over on the border between Worcestershire
and Staffordshire is a small village named Kinver. Overlooking the village is a
series of rocks known as Kinver Edge, a series of red sandstone rocks with a
flat mound at the top for farmland and walking. Within the rocks is a series of
caves which have been carved into homes over time. It’s now owned by the
National Trust and makes for a perfect visit. Within the caves are paintings
from the early settlers and living amenities that are fairly modern. There’s
also a history of the local area; and volunteers are on hand to tell the tale
of the people who once lived there. The cave houses have offered shelter to
many; from local tradesmen who were originally just passing through to
travelling gypsies with very large families. At the top is a tea shop with
perfect views of the village. Prices are reasonable but it’ll be a bit cramped
if you’re looking for somewhere to sit.
Sunday, 15 January 2017
Navigation Britannia at the Vernon Arms, Hanbury
I get invited to visit a lot of
pubs in my voluntary work for CAMRA; but what I don’t appreciate is not being
welcomed when I make an effort to visit a pub when they’ve specifically asked
me to come and visit. The pub had undergone a refurbishment and had tried to
create a look that was a standalone gourmet restaurant that is separate to its
adjoining hotel. I was originally told that they were interested in taking out
an advert in our local magazine, and to host one of our meetings. I decided to
visit on a Thursday night when things weren’t too busy. I arrived at the bar
and ordered a pint where it seemed to be a bit of an Old Boy’s club. I
introduced myself to the young barmaid and asked to speak to the manager and a
woman came back asking what the problem was. I showed her the magazines and she
said that she would get in touch, but I haven’t heard anything from them since.
But the beer was very good.
Saturday, 14 January 2017
Vicky Stock

Friday, 13 January 2017
Horny Fairy #dreamdiary19
I'm staying with some university friends at a hotel. We've hired a large communal attic room, and there are many armless sofas pushed together with bedsheets which surround a large television. We've decided to watch X-men 3 as our retiring movie, and it's also time for us to make ourselves comfortable for the evening. We each grab a number of pillows and blankets to mark our territory. My friend's in a corner and I'm right in front of him. All of a sudden, a blonde fairy climbs in besides me and wants to snuggle up next to me. Then she changes her mind and wants to snuggle up to my friend. Then she wants to snuggle up to both of us. I'm obviously disappointed but there's no way that I'm getting involved in a thrteesome with another guy. The others are naturally disturbed by this and the film gets paused and the lights go on while many people want to change their position away from the love nest, and the fairy has to decide once and for all where she wants to sleep.
Thursday, 12 January 2017
The Kinver Maize Maze
While on our way to visit the
caves in Kinver, we came across a maize maze. It’s run by a local farm shop and
encourages people to visit the maze with their kids to spend a bit more time in
Kinver. It was a bit on the pricey side for two adults to go in and it was also
designed with kids in mind but we were up for a bit of fun after our drive. The
maze didn’t seem that big but was stretched out over a field on a hill. At first,
we weren’t sure whether the rows were planted as pathways or as part of the
plantation, but we soon got used to the openings to work out our route. Along
the way, we were required to collect letters printed on signs of tractors to
earn our prize; but we soon worked the anagram out. There was also a pipe that I
insisted that I crawl through to get our money’s worth, and a bridge across a
Wednesday, 11 January 2017
Sharp's Doom Bar at the Royal Oak, Studley
The Royal Oak in Studley has passed
through many licensees. It’s one of those pubs that try to offer everything and
hasn’t made up its mind as to what it wants to do. Its main asset is a large
room at the ream with a stage for bands to perform; though they’ve never had
any major acts. During the week, they use the space well to host a pool table.
There’s also a large comfy lounge in the corner as well as a side room for
people to sit and chat. The ale isn’t the best in choice but there’s always
something on and it’s usually of good quality. But what they don’t make use of
any more is the front room. It’s previously been used as a restaurant and quiet
room, but in later years the menu has been cut back to tapas and I’m not sure
if the newest owners are even serving food. It’s a pub to watch.
Tuesday, 10 January 2017
The Bouncy Castle
There’s something amazing about
the bouncy castle. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to live in one.
Obviously it would be very expensive to have the air pump on all the time.
Perhaps you would turn it off at night to go to sleep then top it up in the
morning when you’re ready for a morning workout. Plus the larger sized bouncy
castles are harder to come by. You need more room for them and they take up a
lot more space. So this is partly why I enjoy my niece’s birthday party, as
they always have a small one for her in their back garden. I wait until all her
friends have gone home, so it’s just me and her to play and jump around as much
as we want without hurting anyone. Although last time we did spend a lot of
time running away from monsters around the bouncy castle as well.
Monday, 9 January 2017
Apocalypse #dreamdiary18
Apocalypse has just hit town. There's screaming and panicking as people flee from his wrath. He's just flattened a large square and has stopped a large crowd of people. They literally collapse to the floor; never to move again. We retire to a hotel where I discover that there's one real ale hiding on the corner of the bar, but I only notice this after I've ordered a bottled beer. I retire to a terraced balcony with red and white stripped canopies. A newspaperman is selling the evening papers. The headline is Apocalypse's entrance into town. Then the X-men arrive to fight Apocalypse. We decide to follow them to watch the fight. The army has also been called in to shoot all mutants. Panic sets up again and people start to flee. We head down the hill towards the army but they open fire over us, to we taker shelter on a balcony. We turn around to see the army machine-gun Cyclops and Storm in thr chest.
Sunday, 8 January 2017
Acorn Hoptathlon at the Rising Sun, Redditch
I’ve always wanted to run a
marathon. The trouble is that I’ve no experience in running long distances
competitively. How well will I do in comparison to my fellow competitors? A
small local event would be ideal, but I may need to train for that. I’ve done
small runs on the machines at the gym, and I did try for a long-distance
cross-country run last year; but gave up after mile two after I developed
blisters. And that’s because I was wearing the wrong kind of socks over a brand
new pair of gym shoes. This is one thing that I’d like to try just as soon as I
get my gym workouts up to date. I just need a boost to keep clearing the backlog.
I seem to throw a lot of opportunities away and just freeze up. If I can
squeeze one extra workout a week in, then eventually I’ll catch up. But I’m
currently a month behind.
Saturday, 7 January 2017
Biggles Ventures out of Bradford
‘Lovely day for a spin, old chap.’
‘Is it really? It’s rather cloudy
and wet out. Won’t be able to see a darn thing.’
‘Ah, but it’ll be lovely and
quiet. It’s the perfect opportunity to test our air stunts.’
Biggles leapt into the cockpit,
fastened up his fleece-lined leather jacket, and tied on his scarf before
putting on his leather gloves. He popped the key into the ignition. ‘Spin when
Jeeves struggled to make it in
front of the plane in the gale wind. ‘Are you really sure about this sir?’
‘Come on now lad, let’s get this
old bird up there.’
Jeeves pulled the cord to turn
the propeller. ‘Fire it up’.
Biggles turned the key and the
engine spluttered into life. ‘Chocs away’.
Jeeves kicked away the wooden
props away from the landing gear and the plane began inching forward.
‘Jump in old boy, this bird sure
is keen to fly today.’
And Jeeves sprang in just in
time; as he jumped onto the wing a second gust of wind forced the aircraft
forwards with a jerk, and he fell headfirst into the passenger seat.Friday, 6 January 2017
Brightside Vienna Lager at the Rocklands Social Club, Redditch
The Rocklands Social Club has
been a local haunt of ours for a few years now. It’s a private member’s club
and we’re not exactly members, but we always make sure that they’ve got copies
of our local magazine available; and we always pop in for a few pints in
return. They usually have beers on that we’ve never heard of, or at least have
beers that are harder to find in other venues. It’s a traditional bar with
comfy seating, and there’s a large function room which hosts a variety of
events. But lately some problems have arisen. They’ve cut down from four beers
to three; and lately their beer range has been a bit repetitive. It’s almost as
if they’ve stopped caring. One of the locals told me that the week after
Christmas; they had two national brand beers on and not much else. Two years
ago, I would have signed up for full time membership without a shot. But
nowadays, it seems that the club has other priorities.
Thursday, 5 January 2017
The Juicy Pear #dreamdiary17
The Juicy Pear is a pub in Bristol opposite a large canal junction. It's actually a hotel with a terraced bar at the top and many rooms containing smaller bars. The entrance has a circular lobby with a reception desk and double doors leading off to the rooms upstairs. Alongside the stairs to the first floor is a large open-plan dining room with tables on different levels to accommodate the stairs. I can't get to the first floor as it's a breakfast room and there's a table and stool blocking the way while they clear away the morning meals. There's a table with a small plate of baked beans on it. I return to the lobby and take another staircase which is much more closed but is wide enough to let two people travel up and down at the same time. At the top is a small windowed bar in a corridor which is absolutely packed. I eventually get served and opt for a bottled beer which I take through an outside balcony covered with red and white stripped canopies, and find my friends on a corner table with a fantastic view of the canal.
Wednesday, 4 January 2017
Animal Sloth at the Rocklands Social Club, Redditch
Behold the ale drinker. They are
a strange breed that are usually seen in early afternoons; and gather more prominently
at the weekends. Most of them are quite old in nature and will happily stand in
your way at the bar just as you are attempting to get served. Some may peer
around the room nervously at the décor; these are more likely to be newcomers
to the room. These people are especially distinguished by their round bellies
and will scorn anyone drinking fizzy material and may even go so far as to
avoid them. If they address you, they believe themselves to be representatives
of the empire and expected to be treated as such for their presence. They tend
to impart knowledge rather than collect it; and discuss some of the most boring
topics imaginable with stereotypical opinions; often without any research in
the matter. However, they are extremely good fun to mock.
Tuesday, 3 January 2017
Sadlers's Full Moko at the Spread Eagle, Acocks Green
After attending a local beer
festival, we decided to check out the local Wetherspoons before heading home.
It was also a Thursday night so if the place was quiet enough, we would maybe
have a curry there too. As we entered the place was busy with diners and tables
full of empty dishes, but not many people were there for the beer. the pub
itself was in the high street area of the town, so it was the perfect place for
shoppers to wind down with a meal before heading home. It’s named after a
neighbouring pub which was demolished some time ago. Perhaps it was a bikers’
pub hosting a chapter of Birmingham’s Hell’s Angels. We decided to just have a
quick visit and use our voucher and do a survey then have tea at home with
maybe a farewell pint once we’d got off the train. An uninspiring Wetherspoons,
but it’s there to serve food to the locals.
Monday, 2 January 2017
Harviestoun Summer Legend at the Weighbridge, Alvechurch
Here, they come, those summer
legends. Their work is done; they have served good ale to the people of
Worcestershire. In they come in dips and drabs to collect their reward; their
first lunchtime pint of the weekend. Many admire them as they approach the bar
to collect their golden nectar; some even rise to shake their hand in
appreciation of their hard work and reminisce their favourite beers and moments.
Questions are asked about the remaining beers; how many beers were poured away;
and how tired the legends are feeling. Once their pint is poured, the legends
are allowed to slowly withdraw to the outside room where they gather with the
elite to await their afternoon feast. For after this is completed there remains
just one more task; just one more; to unload the car and pack away its
contents. Once this achieved, bliss is surely claimed as their reward for their
hard graft of the previous week.
Sunday, 1 January 2017
Spy Games
‘So there’s an opportunity for
‘Yes, but only for a cleaner. It’s
going to be difficult.’
‘Well, the special relationship
is only for the British and the Americans. The person who usually undertakes
these jobs is an international so that the language barrier reduces their
chance of interpreting anything important. And they’re only allowed access to
certain areas at certain times. Our only hope is that someone slips up and leaves
something important lying around.’
‘So we need an agent who can
blend in with an ear on the ground.’
‘That’s right. They used to issue
their maintenance personnel with headphones playing set tracks so that they
couldn’t hear any conversations.’
‘Perhaps we could hack these
headphones and use them as a transmitter?’
‘No, they’re issued before they’re
allowed into the main station. If someone needs a job doing, they have to call
the control desk to tell the maintenance worker what to do.’
‘But they are inside the dome?’
‘Without question.’
‘Then we’ll have to design
something that can slip through their search protocols.’
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