Saturday 23 September 2023

What the Fox Feels

Everyone thinks that the fox is hungry, and that it only has eyes on its prey. It might just be able to give a yelp or howl to communicate, but it’s also an affectionate animal that may have to provide for a skulk, and anything outside it has to be treated as an enemy, even if it’s another fox. One animal has to act for the benefit of the rest, who just get to hang around in the lair moaning about all the fun that they’re missing out on. Have you ever thought that the fox might be prey too, especially when it’s being hunted? It just wants to stay warm and survive and provide for its family like everything else. But if it feels the cold, why would it have to hunt at night when it’s the coldest? We too may have to sacrifice our neat appearance and go back to growing hair to shelter us from the elements instead of burning other objects to keep ourselves warm. 

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