Monday 4 September 2023

Computer Fail

Once again, technology fails as it can’t connect to its master, so it has to rely on its human counterpart. The screen lines are almost hypnotising you to obey the message, because if you don’t then the customer will try to cancel the order as the system will say that you haven’t delivered it. Is it happening because there’s bad coverage in the area that you’re in, or is it likely that it’s going to happen again? There’s just no way of knowing. Hopefully you’ve got equipment to assist you. The old pen and paper. In this case I didn’t, so it was just easier to take a photograph. Hopefully I’ll be able to get back to base before I lose power, otherwise I’ll have to hang around to charge my phone to recover the information. At least I’d be paid for it but it’s time that I’d rather not hang around for to waste.


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