Sunday 10 September 2023

Reclaiming the Railway

It’s amazing what you can discover on your doorstep that you haven’t seen before. I love the way that the ivy hangs off the arch to try and disguise a forgotten relic. This bridge was part of a route that connects a town to a village and used to be part of a railway line before the government started to close stations. Recently, it’s been developed into a cycle route. Its ownership was then up for debate as the town had since expanded its outskirts and was expected to foot the bill for the maintenance costs, but proposed that it would be more cost effective to demolish the bridge entirely and widen the road beneath it instead. There was much outrage at this announcement since the cycle route was already part of a national scheme and a piece of heritage would be lost, but thankfully the funding has now been found. I hope that the locals don’t fool around and cause the council to rethink its decision.

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