Saturday 9 September 2023

Not my Mate, Mate

It’s not very professional to call a stranger “mate”, especially if you’re serving them. It’s a very informal greeting which arrived from Australia. And to mate is to have intercourse; so it’s not a great greeting if you’re just making a purchase (unless, of course, it is a business of that kind). I get called that a lot when I serve and I just don’t want to be that intimate with these customers. Professionally speaking; it’s one of the reasons why I’m given a nametag to wear; even though when people do use my name through this method it makes me wonder if I know this person. But if they insist on calling me mate and it becomes a pain for me to deal with them, then I have got the option to say ‘Sorry, I don’t know you’ or ‘You’re not my mate’ and just walk away. However, sometimes it is just nice and simple to be friendly.

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