Wednesday 27 September 2023

Nivea Protect and Touch Dry Spray

Suntan lotion is usually icky stuff. It’s a time-consuming process that requires you to squirt cold cream onto your limbs; rub it in thoroughly, then find a friend to help you cover those hard-to-reach places to stop you from turning red. Then a spray was developed to help you to reach your back on your own but it still required you to rub it in afterwards. But this dry spray has been developed that absorbs straight into your skin without the need for rubbing and you don’t have to worry about the cold bits. It’s even got a high factor. All you have to do is rub it in afterwards to make sure that you haven’t missed any areas. You’ll still have to spray some onto your hands to cover your face; but at least you won’t be left with any mess or white sheet marks. You do have to apply it generously, but that could be because they want you to buy more. But unlike the lotion, it’s worryingly flammable and also contains booze. Am I making a hazard of myself?

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