Thursday 14 September 2023

Forging Ahead

This is a nice easy walk that’s flat and well-paved in some places and there’s lots of interesting things to explore along the way. After visiting the Abbey ruins which isn’t more than a pit of laid-out bricks nowadays, you can follow the route across a series of bridges through some fields, which are sometimes occupied by well-tamed cattle. The path passes alongside a pond on a boardwalk which leads to a weir and is an excellent place to take a paddle since the riverbed is very shallow here and you can build a swing if you have a rope. The path goes underneath a large road bridge where there’s more fun to be had before arriving at the council’s lake. It’s a mile round trip around the lake, and there’s a café and play area if you fancy a stop. If you time it right, the bar might even be open. 

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