Tuesday 12 September 2023

A Close Shave

Shearers and trimmers are flying out of the door. All the barber shops are closed so everyone’s desperate for a trim. Some of us have held out for as long as we can but the weather is starting to heat up and there’s only so much that we can take. Luckily, I’ve inherited a palm-sized trimmer that works a bit like a circular sander. After experimenting a few times, I decided to get comfortable and go for a full trim. I stood in the bath to try and keep everything neat and tidy, but I think that the grade setting must have slipped halfway through which meant that I got a trim close to being fully shaved. The trick was to try and keep it consistent but it still looked ridiculously short. I hoped that I’d got rid of all the clumps. I felt a bit rebellious afterwards, bit it was a literal load off my mind even though I had to wear a hat for a while. At least most people understood the gravity of the situation. 

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