Monday 18 September 2023

Little Explorers

These two terrors have behaved well this year despite not being able to see their friends. They’ve found it frustrating but they’ve managed to carry on with good grace in this new regime, despite not being able to participate in their usual activities. ‘The Rule of Six’ has now been introduced so at least they come to visit and socialise with us outside. We’ve been doing some home schooling and some daily walks so we’re making sure that they get plenty of exercise and we’re also trying to take them to local places that they haven’t been to before and aren’t too crowded. Hopefully these little visits will make new memories for them too. They enjoyed spotting the ducks and the swans out on the river, who are only too pleased to see us too despite us not bringing them any food. You’re supposed to feed them pellet food instead of bread which is usually only inconveniently available from the local café.


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