Saturday 16 September 2023

Buttons and the Major #Sherduck 7

‘Good afternoon Major, how are you today?’

‘That’s Major to you -oh sorry, you did use the proper address. But tuck that wing in Sergeant!’

‘With respect sir, this is a police matter, not a military one, and you have no jurisdiction here.’

‘Yes I do! I patrol this area every hour of every day long after my team deserted me.’

‘Very good to hear, sir. Could you give me a report of what you observed in the last twelve hours? Preferably with any reference to the poor sod in there.’

‘Why, what happened?’

‘A body was found on one of these stones lying in the ground.’

‘Oh, right. I did hear some unusual purring in the vicinity last night. We don’t usually get many cats around here at night. Very few humans about. They’ve learnt their lesson that I scare them away.’

‘Some meowing. Right, thank you for your time Sergeant.’


‘Major, sorry!’

‘Goodbye constable.’


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