Wednesday 6 September 2023

Life in the Loading Bay

One of the things that you have to think about as a delivery driver is the unload; especially if you have a lot of bulky stuff. The ideal spot might not always be available; or at least without some careful manoeuvring at the inconvenience of others. Some may even think that you’re taking advantage of it just to use the services; especially if you’re restricted to use a handicapped bay, though I only do this if there’s no other choice but if other spaces are available then I feel less guilty. If you can’t get the ideal spot then you might be in for a spot of hard graft; especially if you’ve got other obstacles to move around inside. I usually commandeer a trolley or sack truck to give me a hand, though it’d be nice if I could recruit someone to give me a hand that I can trust. Then I’ve just got to hope that no-one blocks me in as I attempt to manoeuvre back out of a tight spot.

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