Tuesday 19 September 2023

Where there's Bunting, there's a Party #dreamdiary 162

We’ve been looking for a venue to host a beer festival in our town for ages. It needs to be fairly close to public transport links so that people can visit from further afield. It needs to be close to an area that has a community to create a good atmosphere. And it needs to be in a landmarked area where neighbours won’t be bothered too much since things tend to get a bit loud with crowds. We’ve found an old school building on top of a hill that’s spaced out from a residential area. There’s a large outdoor space that we could use as an overspill area and we could also build a stage or erect a tent, though this would obstruct the view of the valley and would also force the vent to be held in the warmer months. But there’s plenty of spaces where we can twist poles into the ground to hang bunting from. 

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