Tuesday 26 September 2023

Not as Common #Sherduck 6

Meanwhile, across the pond, two swans had stuck their neck out to see all the commotion.

‘What do you think’s going on then?’

‘Dunno. It’s deep end stuff. Too vulgar for us to get involved with.’

‘But we’re missing out on al the action!’

‘It’s not worth bothering with dear. They’ll only ask questions. They won’t give us any food and it’ll be a complete waste of time. They might even ask us to leave the pond and we can’t do that with the state that the cygnets are in. it’s hard enough for us to find food for them as it is.’

‘But what if we could help them? They might leave faster. Or better yet, what if we could pin it on those pesky robins which means that we’ll have a chance to dominate the first part of the winter holiday as well as the second?’

‘What an excellent idea.’


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