Wednesday 13 September 2023

The Bubbly Babe

She’s blonde and bubbly and likes to live it up large. She’s not an obese girl but she’s got some curves to move around. She’s very good at dolling herself up for a night out. She likes to live it up and is partial to a pint or a large glass. She’s got the gift of the gab and loves to chat and isn’t afraid to stand up for herself. She’s got sons who always gets up to mischief and she’s not embarrassed to tell others of their escapades. She loves to travel and enjoys the finer things providing that they’re plentiful and at a decent price. Sher doesn’t like being mucked about with and if she can’t win she’d rather walk away and let someone else deal with the conflict. But if she can handle it she’ll get stuck in to get the job done and isn’t afraid to call for help if she needs it.

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