Thursday 28 September 2023

Not That Way

It’s frustrating when you can’t go the way that you want to. Usually it’s because of the terrain. It’s seldom that it’s the wildlife but here we are. They look too comfortable to be disturbed. We’ve still got a way to go on our walk, and we’ve only got another quarter to complete the loop around the pond, but it looks as though we’re going to have to go back the way we came. We don’t want to disturb anything, and no-one wants to go through the risk of getting their arm broken, but the swans aren’t going to take the risk that we’re a peaceful bunch either. But it is rare that you get to nature like this up close, and at the very least we’re not getting honked or jumped at. My aunt and uncle had been watching these cygnets for some time and didn’t want us publishing pictures to reveal their location (which was a few years ago now).


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