Tuesday 31 January 2023

Potbelly Piggon Proud at the Piper, Kettering

We’ve arrived at an estate pub just outside the centre of Kettering. There’s large main roads nearby and fairly attractive trailer parks consisting of green embankments beyond rows of trees. The pub’s on a corner where a housing estate meets the main road. It’s got a large car park and it’s quite run-down from the outside with torn hedgerows and rubbish scattered all over it. Inside is a similar affair with scratched tables and worn-down banquettes. There’s notices up in pen displaying local rules and black marker is written on fluorescent coloured-card advertising the bar snacks. You wonder what the licensee is like and how long he’s going to last here, a worn-out old man who’s only in it to complete his company pension. There’s an interesting selection of beers though. Most are from nationals but there’s different styles and they’re kept well. A few of us were hoping to see a more local range so most of us just had a slow half as was it was the first stop of many and it was an opportunity to stretch our legs.

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