Monday 2 January 2023

The Larkins (Series 2)

This series was a bit of a mixed bag as rather than the village faced one crisis as in previous episodes, it became a feud between two families with the villagers occasionally getting mixed up in between. Walsh was his usual charming self and it was great to see all the other Larkins back in action, but a few of the other characters including the children of the feuding family and some of the other villagers were a bit less believable. In particular, it’s interesting to see how much people can get away with in rural life and it’s a shame that there’s no parish council or governing body or even club that people could get involved with to corrupt. It would have been fun to have seen a bit more of Pop’s influence in prison. I would have liked to have seen more mischief and episodes and it’s a shame that this spin-off has come to an end.

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