Wednesday 18 January 2023

Flushed Away

At first appearance this looks like the James Bond of the rodent world, but this animated adventure is far from it. Instead, it’s a humanised version of a runaway with very little animal characteristics left in whatsoever. Each character tends to be too overpowering and there’s very few that seem to want to work together (but perhaps that’s a rat characteristic). Apart from the Finding Nemo reference, The film lacks Aardman’s usual humour and Easter Eggs and things are just done too seriously. There’s not even any toilet jokes. Even the film’s announcer sounds tired. It looks as if the budget has spent on an all-star cast all doing strange accents and the latest animation techniques of the noughties rather than creating extra scenes. A bit of continuity would have been nice if the rats from Chicken Run made an appearance. The film’s score is a bit toe-tapping, though it’s overemphasised with an unnecessary slug choir. In short, it’s a quick watch but there’s nothing to be wowed about.

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