Saturday 7 January 2023

Backyard Sanity Claus at the Ladybird, Bromsgrove

I’m out on an epic pub crawl with my friend John the Cleaner. We’re off on a quest to find a winter pint of Bathams, a true XXX Christmas beer that’s only on sale for a few weeks because of its popularity. We catch a bus to our first pub, but it’s running a little late. This has a knock-on effect since we need each bus to be on time to get back home, so we decide to skip the first pub. Unfortunately, our first actual pub didn’t have the beer on that we’d hoped for, but we still sink a couple of pints alongside a bag of pork scratchings. Then we decide to give the restaurant pub a try round the corner on the main road. It’s got a few beers so we have a quick half while we work out when the next bus is due to head back to town.

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