Sunday 15 January 2023

Keeping Warm at the Woodies

It’s band night at our local pub. Our friends have got there ridiculously early to grab the groupie seats, which the big booth opposite where the band performs. It’s the cosiest and comfiest table in the pub, but it’s also by the entrance so you get to see everyone who comes in. Thankfully, those who are on the booth side are sheltered from the cold. Amazingly, they’ve been there since the early evening to get this seat. We pop down to greet them, I suggest to a few of them that they might like to join me and my friend for a little detour into some town centre pubs for the first half of the evening. They all decide to stay put. Perhaps it’s because they’re too comfortable of where they are, and a smaller group may be easier to be directed to a smaller table. Or perhaps it’s too cold for them.

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