Thursday 12 January 2023

Lady about Town #Vampress 12

She always wore a black dress with a large black coat, and only came out in the last few hours of daylight. No-one seemed to be able to know her business, and those that she did engage with only recalled a droll daydreamlike smile afterwards but couldn’t seem able to say anymore. What they also noticed was that the woman was very curvy. So curvy in fact that she often struggled to get out of her carriage. Soon enough, sightings of her began to be the talk of the town in all the taverns. Some were very exaggerated indeed, one night it was heard that her head was taller than her carriage, and her buttocks stood higher than her shire horses. There were many attempts to make talk with the driver, a tall hairy man in a black undertaker’s hat, but people could never catch his eye. Perhaps he was a mute. There was once an attempt to touch him but it was met with a loud hissing noise that shirked most people away.

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