Monday 16 January 2023

"Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you."

You might have an idea, but what others see is also important and realistic, even if it agrees with your opinion. You can ask them, and they may answer just to please you or to avoid causing offence, which may be far from the truth. Who you are is what others see. A stranger won’t tell you other than give you a verbal description of what they see. They need to get to know you both in your presence and without it. But if people know what you’re up to, it gives them a bit more insight. They can also determine what to expect of you, and your enthusiasm depending on the speed and the quality that your complete a task. If they can see proof of your experience, and reputation, they’re more likely to agree with you. It’s hard to convince them otherwise as they’ve only got your word.

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