Monday 30 January 2023

Which Actor felt humiliated by their Costume?

It’s probably the ones who have to bear prosthetic masks over their heads and perform bizarre stunts in them. They’ll probably build up a sweat behind the latex which makes them comfortable for ages. It certainly helps the character’s attitude if you’re playing a stern role like a Klingon. Or how about if you had to play a character that required body paint or lots of make-up? You’d have to arrive hours on set before your colleagues to get painted up, and you’d have to be very careful about relieving any itches in between shots so that you don’t rub anything off. How about a costume that requires dozens of parts to be assembled over you? With a mask or make-up you can remove it quite easily but a robot costume may require an assistant to place it over you. And if you haven’t timed your bathroom break correctly, you could create major problems. Some will see it as part of the job, but I’m fairly sure that some will have a lot to say about it too!

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