Wednesday 4 January 2023

Parcel Rooms

I’m all for convenience of parcel deliveries. If you can’t wait in all day and don’t have an obvious safe place to leave your parcel then an automated locker is convenient option. It’s just a case of where that might be. A lot of local newsagents now offer this service in the hope that people will browse and buy something while they queue up for their box. But if you just want your parcel, then an automated option is even better. You just need to know where it is. But perhaps the foyer of a changing room might not be the most appropriate place but this is where I went to pick one up. I just walked straight past the tills without taking anything off the racks and headed straight in. ‘What is he doing in there?’ It all looks a bit dodgy. And what happens if a queue forms up for one service while you attempting to access the other? I understand that there may be security concerns about leaving these lockers outside but there must be a better place to keep them. And all this for a tiny package that would probably fit through your letterbox anyway. It’s a good opportunity to try it out though.

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