Sunday 29 January 2023

The Boss's Mess

We’re always being told to clear up after ourselves. Keep the stock shelves tidy, make sure that there’s no gaps, pull everything forward and wash up your mug once you’ve finished with it. Apart from dirty mugs (which should be a thing of human decency, especially when someone’s made it for you), it’s something that you get paid to do. It’s something that the management constantly remind us about, especially during periods when we’re seen to be standing around doing nothing (whereas we’re actually catching our breath).so why aren’t they doing it then? And why do they leave it out in the open in such a notable area like a shelf where equipment is stored that’s used frequently when they could very well leave it in their office and no-one would be any the wiser? Perhaps they’re hoping that someone will do it for them. Bastards. Whether it’s just revenge or fuelling fodder; they’re just encouraging us to do the same regardless.

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