Friday 13 January 2023

Green Duck Big Freeze at the Waggon & Horses, Halesowen

There’s always a way to get to somewhere by public transport. You may have to change a couple of times and overshoot your destination by a few places, but you can always get there. I guess I like coming back by train because I like the idea of the security of a station in that you’re guaranteed some form of shelter, the vehicle will actually stop instead of someone having to make a judgement call, the services do run later and there’ll always be someone on hand to offer help and advice if anything goes wrong. With fewer manned stations in place, we’re now having to rely on technology for our answers. In theory, I should rely on the buses more, but now that fewer buses are running, I may have to go back to the original plan after all. Sometimes I might need to get a ride home, but it might be more expensive or put me in an obligation later.


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