Wednesday 11 January 2023

Derventio Lucretius at The Cross Inn, Finstall

We hit a few pubs on the high street hitting bars here and there for a few halves but there was nothing particularly inspiring. Then we caught a bus to the Ladybird and went for a pint of the Christmas beer. It was a pleasant change to go there for a beer instead of having to head upstairs to attend a meeting. Then we headed to the Cross. I would have liked to have thought that we walked down the road but I honestly can’t remember and we probably drank up quickly to take advantage of the next passing bus. I just had to take advantage of this beer and drink a pint of it. I probably should have stocked up on something to soak it all up because as we left I vomited spectacularly over the road. Luckily, it was before the bus arrived and I decided to stagger home once we’d arrived back.

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