Saturday 28 January 2023

Anging Around

At first glance, you see a small yet stern woman who expects everything to be run on schedule. If it’s not you can expect all hell to be let loose with at the very least a polite but demanding enquiry as to why. Other than that, she’s more or less quite friendly and is happy to make enquiries about your life and share some of her own experiences. She’s a big fan of the outdoors and enjoys cycling which keeps her fit and helps her to maintain a youthful look. She’s often dressed for it with a well-sized fleece wrapped around black leggings tucked into a pair of hiking boots. Her face is fairly triangular with a dark brown fringe on top which is sometimes dyed blonde for a social occasion. She speaks loudly and clearly with a lot of confidence. She’s not afraid to speak up for herself and at the same time she doesn’t want to conform to a stereotypical feminist profile.

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