Wednesday 1 February 2023

More Support Required #Titannabell 13

Titanabell looked around the room. There were plenty of blankets, but what she really needed was something to rest her legs. Most people would use a pillow, but her enormous breasts usually took care of this since they were too heavy to allow her to lie down. What she really needed was a giant cushion so that she could lie straight. Back at home, she’d lie overhanging a gigantic bed with ample blankets sewn together to cover with each of her breasts resting on a ring of specially designed pillows. Other than the blankets, there were just a few wooden tables which would be too hard no matter how many blankets she covered them with, and they might not be able to hold her weight.

‘I wonder if the guards could help’ she thought. Despite the many warnings given to her by her parents, she stuck one of her long legs out of the room.

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