Monday 6 February 2023

Cereal Killer Cafe

I’ve made a special effort to reach this place. It’s a famous area of London that I’ve not been to before and I’ve decided to treat myself to a lie-in so I didn’t have to brave rush hour to get here. I somehow managed to get off at the wrong station and had to back on myself owing to standing on the wrong platform. At one time I was convinced that I was getting on a bus. But after marching past a brewery and a number of curry houses, I finally found the Cereal Killer Café. Of course, by this time a simple bowl of nostalgia cereal wouldn’t be enough so I ordered a breakfast waffle coated with Lucky Charms, complete with cream and topped with strawberries. This was washed down with a milk chocolate Oreo cappuccino served in a tankard, all served in a café that was devoted to the nineties complete with disco balls and mirror walls. As well as tables, there was a dedicated breakfast bar to sit and eat at. It was a major sugar rush.

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